ServeTrack is an application designed to create a desire to and means of attaining/communicating marketable skills in the food service industry.
Design an app that solves a real problem.
Whether an individual intends to become a career server or is doing so in the interim of education and a career, there is a lack of pride, ownership, and capitalization on the versatile and marketable skills one can gain from a job in the service industry. Food servers have a turnover rate of 75% in fine dining and up to 150% in casual eateries. There is a missed opportunity for personal and establishment growth in the lack of well trained, motivated food servers. This results in stagnating personal growth, levels of service, and even sales.
“There is no reason to move up into management. I like the flexibility of my schedule, I make more money than they do; plus I don’t plan to be in the industry forever.”
-Jedidiah, 27
A server can, within a few months to a year, see enough of the business to hit a glass ceiling and stagnate in terms of growth within their positions and the company. Often, the next logical step–management–is undesired because is equates to less pay for exponentially more time and effort.
Food servers
Create a means of attaining/communicating marketable skills in the food service industry
In a world where servers often see their job as a temporary position and don’t take full advantage of the opportunities for growth both personally and professionally
We aim to come up with solutions and prototype one by the end of this capstone project
We need to test the assumption that servers would benefit from having a growth mindset and a vision within their serving jobs.
How might we
How might we provide servers with a way to assess, create goals in, and track growth in sales